Two trains are both traveling at a constant speed toward each other on neighboring tracks. The trains are 252 miles apart when they start traveling. They pass each other 4 1/2 hours later. One of the trains is traveling 25 3/4 miles per hour. What is the speed of the other train?

To find the speed of the other train, we need to use the formula Speed = Distance / Time.

First, let's find the distance that one train traveled. We know that the train traveled for 4 1/2 hours and its speed is 25 3/4 miles per hour. To convert the time into a fraction, we calculate 4 1/2 as 4 + 1/2 = 9/2 hours.

Using the formula, we can find the distance traveled by the train:
Distance = Speed × Time
Distance = 25 3/4 × 9/2
To multiply mixed numbers, we convert them to improper fractions:
Distance = (103/4) × (9/2)
Distance = 927/8 = 115 7/8 miles.

Since the two trains are traveling towards each other, the total distance they cover when they pass each other is 252 miles.

To find the distance traveled by the other train, we subtract the distance already traveled by one train from the total distance:
Distance traveled by other train = Total distance - Distance traveled by one train
Distance traveled by other train = 252 - (115 7/8)
To subtract mixed numbers, we convert them to improper fractions:
Distance traveled by other train = 252 - (927/8)
Distance traveled by other train = 2016/8 - 927/8
Distance traveled by other train = 1089/8 = 136 1/8 miles.

Now that we have the distance traveled by the other train, we can find its speed using the formula:
Speed = Distance / Time.

Since we know the time is 4 1/2 hours (9/2 hours), we calculate the speed of the other train as:
Speed = (136 1/8) ÷ (9/2)
To divide mixed numbers, we convert them to improper fractions:
Speed = (1089/8) ÷ (9/2)
Speed = (1089/8) × (2/9)
Speed = (1089/4) = 272 1/4 miles per hour.

Therefore, the speed of the other train is 272 1/4 miles per hour.

25 3/4 + x = 56

that should help...

Ok! I got 30 1/4 miles. I turned 121/4 into a mixed number = 30 1/4. I appreciate the help ☻

I don’t understand can you explain how to get part A,B, and c please?

If the combined speed is 56 mile per hour what do I do next?

their combined speed is 252/4.5 = 56 mi/hr

Now you can find the desired speed.