How many ions does 3 moles of zinc hydroxide have? I believe 1 mole of zinc hydroxide contains 3 ions so do I just multiply it by 3?

1 molecule of Zn(OH)2 has 3 ions, so the number of ions in 3 moles is


To determine the number of ions in a given number of moles of a compound, you need to consider its formula and the stoichiometry of the ions within the compound.

The formula for zinc hydroxide is Zn(OH)2. In this formula, there is one zinc ion (Zn2+) and two hydroxide ions (OH-) per molecule of zinc hydroxide.

To calculate the number of ions in 3 moles of zinc hydroxide, you need to multiply the number of moles by Avogadro's number (6.022 × 10^23 ions/mol). However, since each mole of zinc hydroxide contains multiple ions, you need to multiply that by the number of ions per mole.

In this case, you are correct that 1 mole of zinc hydroxide contains 3 ions (one Zn2+ ion and two OH- ions). So, to calculate the total number of ions in 3 moles of zinc hydroxide, you can multiply the number of moles (3) by the number of ions per mole (3).

3 moles × 3 ions/mole = 9 ions

Therefore, 3 moles of zinc hydroxide contain a total of 9 ions.