LeBron scored a basket 72 times out of 150 shots. What percent of his shots did he score?

A. 42%

B. 50%

C. 48%

D. 63% My answer is 48% is this correct

48% is right.

Yes, you are correct! LeBron scored 48% of his shots.

72/150 = 0.48(100)= 48 (add percent sign) 48%.

To calculate the percentage of shots LeBron scored, you need to divide the number of shots he made by the total number of shots attempted (then multiply by 100 to get the percentage).

In this case, LeBron made 72 shots out of 150 attempts, so you would divide 72 by 150 and then multiply by 100:

(72 / 150) * 100 = 48%

So your answer of 48% is correct!