James ran 8 laps around a track to run a total of 1 mile. How many laps will she need to run 3/8 of a mile?

(3/8) * 8 = 24/8 = 3

To find out how many laps James will need to run, let's first figure out how many laps make up 1 mile, and then we can use that information to calculate how many laps she needs for 3/8 of a mile.

Given that James ran 8 laps to cover 1 mile, we can establish a ratio: 8 laps to 1 mile. This means that every 1/8 of a mile is covered by 1 lap.

Now, we want to find out the number of laps required for 3/8 of a mile. To do this, we can set up a proportion:

8 laps / 1 mile = x laps / (3/8) mile

To solve this proportion, we can cross-multiply:

8 * (3/8) = x * 1

Simplifying the left side of the equation:

(8 * 3) / 8 = x

24/8 = x

By simplifying the fraction, we find that x = 3.

Hence, James will need to run 3 laps to cover 3/8 of a mile.