Based on reading “Desiderata” and knowing that this word means “the items you needed for an archive to make it useful,” what can you conclude was the author’s purpose in writing this story?

A. to inform
B. to justify
C. to recommend
D. to persuade

I think it's A.

I'm not sure what piece you are reading. There may be several with that title. The definition you cite is inaccurate in that it is too specific (although a good example of desiderata).

what unit and lesson number is this then ill help ya?

To determine the author's purpose in writing the story, we can analyze the given information about the word "Desiderata" and its meaning. According to the context, "Desiderata" refers to the items needed for an archive to make it useful. However, it is important to note that the meaning of "Desiderata" as "the items you needed for an archive to make it useful" might not be accurate. "Desiderata" is actually a Latin term that means "things desired" or "desired things."

Since we don't have any other information about the story itself or the author's intentions, it is challenging to definitively conclude the author's purpose. However, based on the provided options (A. to inform, B. to justify, C. to recommend, D. to persuade), it seems reasonable to consider A. to inform as the most suitable answer. "Desiderata" is a Latin term with a specific meaning, and the author may have written the story to inform the readers about this word and its possible interpretations.