How did World War 2 affect life in Georgia? (Choose all that apply.)

A. More Georgians were out of work than ever before

B. Many people moved to the North or West

C. People made sacrifices for the war effort.

D. African american Georgians moved to the North looking for work.




I'm not sure about B. What does your text say? C and D are certainly correct. Many people did move to the northern cities, especially African-Americans, because the factories were hiring to produce war materials and many young men were out of the labor force, in the military.

The correct options for how World War 2 affected life in Georgia are B, C, and D.

To determine the answer, we can look at the historical context of World War 2 and its impact on various aspects of life in Georgia.

B. Many people moved to the North or West: During World War 2, there was a significant migration of people from the South, including Georgia, to the North and West. This movement was driven by the economic opportunities offered by wartime industries and the need for labor in cities like Detroit, Chicago, and other manufacturing centers.

C. People made sacrifices for the war effort: Like the rest of the United States, Georgia experienced a mobilization effort during World War 2. This meant that many individuals and communities had to make sacrifices in order to support the war effort. People contributed to rationing efforts, participated in victory gardens, and supported war bond drives to help finance the war.

D. African American Georgians moved to the North looking for work: The war provided new employment opportunities in northern cities due to the increased demand for labor in wartime industries. African American Georgians, who faced segregation and limited economic opportunities in the South, were particularly motivated to seek employment in the North. The Great Migration, which had already started before the war, experienced an uptick during World War 2.

A. More Georgians were out of work than ever before: This option is not accurate. World War 2 actually led to an economic boom and increased employment opportunities in many areas as a result of wartime production. While there might have been some individuals who couldn't find work, the overall impact of the war was positive for the economy and job market in Georgia.

In conclusion, the correct options are B, C, and D.