Which of these factors helped to fuel the Industrial Revolution in Britain?

A.longer life expectancy and bigger family size

B.migration of landless farmers to urban regions

C.growth in literacy rates among the working class

D.improvements in medicine and health care

I'll be glad to check your answer.

Yes, B.

I think B

To determine which of the factors helped fuel the Industrial Revolution in Britain, we can analyze each option:

A. Longer life expectancy and bigger family size: While longer life expectancy and bigger family size could lead to a larger population, it is not directly related to the Industrial Revolution itself. It may have contributed to a larger labor force, but it was not a driving force behind the revolution.

B. Migration of landless farmers to urban regions: This option is significant to the Industrial Revolution in Britain. As the revolution demanded a vast workforce, landless farmers moved to urban areas in search of employment in factories and industries. This resulted in a massive influx of labor and helped fuel the revolution.

C. Growth in literacy rates among the working class: While literacy rates among the working class were important for social and political reasons, they were not a primary factor that fueled the Industrial Revolution. However, literacy did contribute to a more educated workforce and facilitated the spread of knowledge and ideas during the revolution.

D. Improvements in medicine and health care: Although improvements in medicine and health care were significant for society's overall well-being, they did not directly fuel the Industrial Revolution. However, better health and reduced mortality rates did result in a larger and healthier workforce, indirectly supporting the revolution.

Based on the analysis, option B, the migration of landless farmers to urban regions, seems to be the most directly related factor that helped fuel the Industrial Revolution in Britain.