In a Farmer's Market a man sold 5 times as many apples as watermelons. He sold a total of 66 apples and watermelons. How many apples did he sell?

To solve this problem, we can use algebraic equations.

Let's assume the number of watermelons the man sold is "x". According to the given information, he sold 5 times as many apples as watermelons, so the number of apples he sold would be 5x.

The total number of apples and watermelons sold is given as 66. Therefore, we can form an equation:

5x + x = 66

Combining like terms:

6x = 66

To find the value of x, we can solve for x by dividing both sides of the equation by 6:

x = 66 / 6
x = 11

So, the man sold 11 watermelons. To find the number of apples he sold, we can substitute this value of x back into the equation we formed earlier:

5x = 5 * 11
5x = 55

Therefore, the man sold 55 apples

Let w = watermelons sold

5w + w = 66
6w = 66

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