In Act II we see Friar Lawrence dealing with herbs and flowers and talking about their chemical properties. This is what literary device?




My answer is this correct? Thank you

Yes, it's correct.

Thank you so much

You are welcome.

Actually, the correct answer is personification. Personification is a literary device in which non-human objects or abstract ideas are given human qualities or characteristics. In this case, Friar Lawrence is personifying the herbs and flowers by discussing their "properties" as if they have chemical abilities like humans do. This personification helps to create a vivid and engaging description within the play. Foreshadowing, on the other hand, is a literary device in which hints or clues are given about future events in the story. While foreshadowing can also be found in "Romeo and Juliet," this particular scenario with Friar Lawrence and the herbs and flowers is an example of personification.