What is the primary function of the skeletal muscle?

A. Heating the body
B. Pumping blood to the rest of the body
C. Protecting the body from harm
D. Contraction

1- 206 (C)

2- producing movement of the body (B)
3- They range from dead cells on the top to actively dividing cells at the bottom. (D)
4- abduction and adduction (A)


Anonymous is right!

yes anonymous is right!!!!

Yes, C.

C would be correct :)


Based on these choices, that seems a good answer. Muscles also contract so that we can move. Double check your text materials.

Did anyone else notice all the right answers where in a darker font

The primary function of the skeletal muscle is to generate movement and produce force through contraction. The correct answer is D. Contraction. Skeletal muscles are attached to bones and work together with the bones and joints to enable voluntary movements of the body. When the skeletal muscle contracts, it pulls on the bone to which it is attached, resulting in movement of body parts. This allows us to perform various activities such as walking, running, lifting objects, and even speaking.