Write and test a program that allows the user to enter the surname of each baby born at a hospital and their birth weight in pounds. There are 12 newborn babies at the hospital.

To write and test a program that allows the user to enter the surname and birth weight of newborn babies, you can use a loop to prompt the user for input multiple times. Here's an example program in Python:

# Initialize empty lists to store surnames and birth weights
surnames = []
birth_weights = []

# Use a loop to iterate through 12 newborn babies
for i in range(12):
# Prompt the user for surname and birth weight
surname = input(f"Enter the surname for baby #{i+1}: ")
birth_weight = float(input(f"Enter the birth weight in pounds for baby #{i+1}: "))

# Append the surname and birth weight to the respective lists

# Display the entered surnames and birth weights
print("\nNewborn babies:")
for i in range(12):
print(f"{surnames[i]} - {birth_weights[i]} lbs")

This program uses a loop to prompt the user for the surname and birth weight of each baby. The entered values are then stored in separate lists `surnames` and `birth_weights`. After all 12 babies have been entered, the program displays the entered surnames and birth weights.

To test the program, you can simply run it and enter the required information for each baby at the prompts. The program will then display the entered surnames and birth weights.