There are 39 counters in a box. How would you divide the counters to represent the ratio 5:8 ?

Thank you.

divide 39 by (13 (5+8))

then the ratio is 15:24


To divide the counters in a box to represent the ratio 5:8, follow these steps:

Step 1: Find the total number of parts in the ratio.
In this case, the ratio is 5:8, so the total number of parts is 5 + 8 = 13.

Step 2: Determine the size of each part.
Divide the total number of counters by the total number of parts: 39 ÷ 13 = 3.

Step 3: Multiply the size of each part by the ratio.
For the 5 parts of the ratio, multiply 3 by 5 to get 15.
For the 8 parts of the ratio, multiply 3 by 8 to get 24.

Therefore, to represent the ratio 5:8 with 39 counters, you would divide them into 15 counters and 24 counters, respectively.