If i drive 50km\h it takes me 24minutes to get to school,but Im running late,so I drive at a constant speed of 60km\h.how long wil it take me to drive to school today

t = 50/60 * 24min. = 20 Min.

Hillary has to drive 225 miles in four and a half hours. What should her average speed be in order to arrive on time?

To calculate how long it will take you to drive to school at a speed of 60 km/h, we can use the following formula:

Time = Distance / Speed.

Since the distance to your school remains the same, it is still 50 km. Therefore, to find the time it will take, we divide the distance by the speed:

Time = 50 km / 60 km/h.

Dividing 50 km by 60 km/h gives us the time it will take for the journey. Let me calculate that for you:

Time = 0.8333 hours.

To convert this time to minutes, multiply 0.8333 by 60:

Time = 0.8333 hours * 60 minutes/hour.

The result is approximately 50 minutes.

So, if you drive at a constant speed of 60 km/h, it will take you around 50 minutes to get to school today.