Jackie has a prepaid Green Phone that charges 18 cents per text message sent or received. Jackie prepays $40 on her phone.

After sending and receiving several text messages, Jackie checks the remaining balance.

How many texts did Jackie send and receive if her remaining balance is $4.36?

40 - 4.36 = 35.64

0.18x = 35.64

To determine the number of texts Jackie sent and received, we need to find the difference between the initial balance and the remaining balance, and then divide that by the cost per text message.

First, let's find the initial balance:
Jackie prepaid $40 on her phone.

Now, let's calculate the total cost of the text messages:
Total Cost = Initial balance - Remaining balance
Total Cost = $40 - $4.36
Total Cost = $35.64

Next, we'll divide the total cost by the cost per text message to find the number of text messages:
Number of Texts = Total Cost ÷ Cost per text message
Number of Texts = $35.64 ÷ $0.18
Number of Texts ≈ 198

Therefore, Jackie sent and received approximately 198 text messages.