If sales tax in a specific county is 6.5%, what is the total price paid on a purchase of $156.00.

156 * 1.065 = ?


To calculate the total price paid on a purchase of $156.00 with a sales tax rate of 6.5%, you first need to find the amount of sales tax. Here are the steps:

Step 1: Convert the sales tax rate from a percentage to a decimal. Divide 6.5% by 100 to get 0.065.

Step 2: Multiply the original purchase price by the sales tax rate to find the amount of sales tax. Multiply $156.00 by 0.065 to get $10.14.

Step 3: Add the sales tax amount to the original purchase price to find the total price paid. Add $10.14 to $156.00 to get $166.14.

Therefore, the total price paid on a purchase of $156.00 with a sales tax rate of 6.5% is $166.14.