Examples of Afro-Asian ethnicities ?



Afro-Asian refers to individuals or groups who have both African and Asian ancestry. Some examples of Afro-Asian ethnicities include:

1. Siddis: The Siddis are a community in India who are believed to be descendants of African slaves, traders, or soldiers who arrived in India centuries ago.

2. Blasians: Blasians are individuals with both black and Asian ancestry, often a mix of African and East Asian or Southeast Asian heritage.

3. Malayu-Africans: The Malayu-Africans are a community in Malaysia with both African and Malay ancestry. They are descendants of African sailors who migrated to Malaysia during the colonial era.

4. Afro-Indonesians: Afro-Indonesians are individuals in Indonesia with African and Indonesian heritage. They are descendants of African slaves who were brought to the Indonesian archipelago by the Dutch colonialists.

It's important to note that the term "Afro-Asian" is broad and can encompass various ethnic mixes, as individuals with African and Asian ancestry can come from different regions, countries, and cultural backgrounds. Additionally, individuals with mixed African and Asian heritage may identify and be represented differently in different regions of the world.