1. Find the area of the triangle.

Bottom is 22 ft and inside the triangle is 7 ft.

A. 154 ft^2
B. 58 ft^2
C. 77 ft^2
D 38.5 ft^2

Not sure?

Answers are

its right i got a 100%

I guess. Do you not know how to multiply? Have you no calculator?

A = 22*7/2 = 77

If this is a real problem, you have much work ahead of you.

Wait that's all I have to do? Then I know how now thanks

Yes it is thank you ^

anon is correct

by "inside the triangle" I assume you mean the altitude.

Recall that the area of a triangle with base b and height h is

A = bh/2

Sorry yes that's what I meant. How do I get the answer? I'm slow at math sorry