1. Which of the following shows how this expression can be simplified?

2x + 6 + 3x − 4

A. x − 2

B. x + 2

C. 5x + 2

D. 5x − 2

2. Which is equivalent to the expression below?
7(2p − 1)

A. 7p

B. 14p − 1

C. 14p − 7

D. 14p − 8

3. Factor the expression below completely.
1.8c + 5.4cd

4. Which is equivalent to the expression below?
2k + (−3m ) − 6k + 2m

A. −4k + (−2m)

B. −4k + (−m)

C. 4k − 5m

D. 4k − m

5. Which of the following expressions does not represent “increase a quantity n by 25%”?

A. n + 0.25n

B. (1 + 0.25)n

C. 125n

D. 1 n

6. Which of the following expressions best represents “a 35% reduction of a number x”?

A. 0.35x

B. 0.65x

C. 1.35x

Your choices of answers to these questions did not show up.

Oh sorry.

3 Idk.

Am I right

1.C -- correct

2.D -- wrong
3 Idk. - wrong
4.C -- wrong
5.A -- wrong
6.D -- wrong

I think you were just guessing, hoping that now I would do them for you.

Why not show your steps to get these answers, that way I can help you.

Okay I'll show my steps.

2. Yeah I see D is wrong now. I say B.... 7x2=14

3. I still don't know that one cause I need a little more help


7(2p − 1)
just expand, takes 1 step
= 14p - 7 ----> C

1.8c + 5.4cd, common factor is 1.8c, one step
= 1.8c( 1 + 3d)

Then 4,5,6... I just need to get the understanding of how t do them

Combine like terms.

Okay I'll try I hope I don't make a bad grade

Which of the following expressions does not represent “increase a quantity n by 25%”?

I need help