Gold(at weight 197gmol-1) crystallizes in a cubic closest packed structures ( the face centred cubic ) and its density is 19.3 gcm-3 .calculate its atomic radius.?

To calculate the atomic radius of gold, we need to apply the formula:

density = (molar mass / (2 * atomic radius)^3)

Density of gold (ρ) = 19.3 g/cm³
Molar mass of gold (M) = 197 g/mol

Rearranging the formula, we get:

(2 * atomic radius)^3 = molar mass / density

Let's substitute the values and solve for atomic radius:

(2 * atomic radius)^3 = 197 g/mol / (19.3 g/cm³)

Cubing both sides, we have:

8 * (atomic radius)^3 = 197 g/mol / (19.3 g/cm³)

Simplifying further:

8 * (atomic radius)^3 = 10.2 cm³/g

Now, divide both sides by 8:

(atomic radius)^3 = 1.275 cm³/g

Taking the cubic root of both sides:

atomic radius = ∛(1.275 cm³/g)

Using a calculator, we find:

atomic radius ≈ 1.06 cm

Therefore, the atomic radius of gold is approximately 1.06 cm.