the reaction A+3B—>2C+D is first order with respect to reactant A and second order with respect to reactant B if the concentration of A is doubled and the concentration of B is halved the rate of the reaction would---------------by a factor of-----------

rate=constant*a^2 ( b^3)

= constant*4* 1/8= 1/2 rate

oops, thanks dr bob


if B is halved it should be 1.5 not 1/8 right

To determine how the rate of the reaction changes when the concentrations of reactants A and B are altered, we need to consider the rate equation for the reaction.

The rate equation for a reaction is typically of the form:

rate = k[A]^x[B]^y

- rate is the rate of the reaction
- k is the rate constant
- [A] and [B] are the concentrations of reactants A and B, respectively
- x and y are the orders of the reaction with respect to reactants A and B, respectively

Given that the reaction A+3B → 2C+D is first order with respect to reactant A and second order with respect to reactant B, we have:

rate = k[A]^1[B]^2

Now, let's consider what happens when the concentration of A is doubled and the concentration of B is halved.

If the concentration of A is doubled, we can rewrite the rate equation as:
rate2 = k(2[A])^1[B]^2 = 2k[A][B]^2

If the concentration of B is halved, we can rewrite the rate equation as:
rate3 = k(2[A])(0.5[B])^2 = 0.5k[A][B]^2

Comparing rate2 and rate3 to the original rate equation (rate1 = k[A][B]^2), we can determine how the rate changes:

rate2 / rate1 = (2k[A][B]^2) / (k[A][B]^2) = 2

rate3 / rate1 = (0.5k[A][B]^2) / (k[A][B]^2) = 0.5

Therefore, when the concentration of A is doubled and the concentration of B is halved, the rate of the reaction would increase by a factor of 2 and then decrease by a factor of 0.5.