Kilograms divided by Newton?

N = kg-m/s^2

kg/N = s^2/m

or, since F=ma, m/F = 1/a

To divide kilograms by Newton, we need to understand the relationship between these two units of measurement.

Kilograms (kg) is a unit of mass, which measures the amount of matter an object contains. Mass remains constant regardless of the gravitational force acting on the object.

On the other hand, Newton (N) is a unit of force, which measures the amount of force applied to an object. It is derived from the equation F = ma, where F represents force, m represents mass, and a represents acceleration. In this equation, the mass is measured in kilograms.

Therefore, when we divide kilograms by Newton, we are essentially dividing mass by force, which gives us the reciprocal of acceleration. This reciprocal can be thought of as the amount of acceleration produced by a specific amount of force acting on an object with a specific mass.

In conclusion, dividing kilograms by Newton gives us the reciprocal of acceleration, providing information about how much acceleration a specific amount of force can produce on an object with a specific mass.