Describe how the meteorite collision at the end of the Mesozoic affected the atmosphere and the biosphere.

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The meteorite collision at the end of the Mesozoic, also known as the Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) event, had a significant impact on both the atmosphere and the biosphere. This catastrophic event occurred approximately 66 million years ago and resulted in massive changes in Earth's ecosystem.

To understand how it affected the atmosphere and the biosphere, we need to gather information from scientific studies and research. Here's how you can do it:

1. Research scientific studies: Look for credible sources such as scientific journals, articles, and books that discuss the K-Pg event. These sources will provide in-depth information and analyses based on geological and paleontological evidence.

2. Study geological records: Examine the geological records such as rock layers and sedimentary deposits from the time period. These records contain valuable clues about the environmental changes that occurred during the event.

3. Analyze fossil evidence: Fossils of plants, animals, and microorganisms can provide insights into how the biosphere was impacted. Investigate studies that focus on the fossil record and the changes that took place in various ecosystems.

Based on the information gathered through these methods, here's a description of how the collision affected the atmosphere and the biosphere:

1. Atmospheric impact: The meteorite collision released an enormous amount of energy, resulting in a massive explosion. This explosion ejected dust, gases, and debris into the atmosphere. The high temperatures and pressures generated by the impact caused wildfires globally, which released additional smoke and soot. The combination of these factors led to a significant decrease in sunlight reaching the Earth's surface, causing a period of global cooling and reduced photosynthesis.

2. Biospheric impact: The reduced sunlight availability caused by the atmospheric changes severely disrupted the Earth's ecosystems. Plants, being primary producers, were highly affected as they rely on photosynthesis for energy. With reduced sunlight, many plant species became extinct or faced drastic declines. This, in turn, affected herbivores that relied on these plants as a food source. As plant populations declined, carnivores dependent on herbivores were also impacted. The K-Pg event resulted in the extinction of approximately 75% of all species, including non-avian dinosaurs, ammonites, and many marine organisms.

It is important to note that these descriptions are based on scientific studies and research regarding the K-Pg event. By referring to credible sources and examining the scientific evidence, you can obtain a more detailed understanding of the impact that this meteorite collision had on the atmosphere and biosphere during the end of the Mesozoic era.