can someone check my answers,

1. How was South Carolina constitution of 1868 different from previous state constitutions? -B Representation was based on population alone. 2. How did Republicans control of South Carolina affect the state? -C. The Republicans increased taxes and spending in order to rebuild after the war. 3. How did Congress react when it discovered Black Codes in the South? -A. It enacted stricter Reconstruction planes. 4. How did sharecropping effect the lives of freedmen? -B. High debt kept freedman from becoming financially secure. 5. Who provided food and other help to African Americans during reconstruction? -C. The Freedmen's Bureau. Bureau

1. Your answer is incorrect. The correct answer is: A. The South Carolina constitution of 1868 granted suffrage to all males, regardless of race, whereas previous state constitutions had limited suffrage to white males.

2. Your answer is correct. C. The Republicans increased taxes and spending in order to rebuild after the war.
3. Your answer is correct. A. It enacted stricter Reconstruction plans.
4. Your answer is correct. B. High debt kept freedmen from becoming financially secure.
5. Your answer is correct. C. The Freedmen's Bureau provided food and other help to African Americans during Reconstruction.

To check your answers, let's go through each question and explanation:

1. How was the South Carolina constitution of 1868 different from previous state constitutions?
Your answer: B. Representation was based on population alone.
To verify the answer, you can compare the South Carolina constitution of 1868 with previous state constitutions. Look for information on how representation was determined in earlier constitutions (e.g., based on property ownership, districting, etc.), and then compare it to the provision in the 1868 constitution that states representation was based on population alone.

2. How did Republican control of South Carolina affect the state?
Your answer: C. The Republicans increased taxes and spending in order to rebuild after the war.
To check if your answer is correct, you can research the impact of Republican control in South Carolina during the Reconstruction era. Look for information on Republican policies, such as tax increases and spending initiatives aimed at rebuilding the state after the war.

3. How did Congress react when it discovered Black Codes in the South?
Your answer: A. It enacted stricter Reconstruction plans.
To verify your answer, you need to investigate how Congress responded to the discovery of Black Codes in the South. Examine historical records or reliable sources to find out if Congress indeed passed stricter Reconstruction plans or took any other significant actions in response to the existence of Black Codes.

4. How did sharecropping affect the lives of freedmen?
Your answer: B. High debt kept freedmen from becoming financially secure.
To check the accuracy of your answer, research the impact of sharecropping on the lives of freedmen during Reconstruction. Look for information on how the system of sharecropping often resulted in debts for freedmen, which contributed to their inability to achieve financial security.

5. Who provided food and other help to African Americans during Reconstruction?
Your answer: C. The Freedmen's Bureau.
To verify your answer, examine historical records or reliable sources that discuss the role of the Freedmen's Bureau during Reconstruction. Look specifically for information on the assistance and support the Bureau provided, including providing food and other forms of aid to African Americans.

Use these research and fact-checking techniques to confirm the accuracy of your answers.

I think all are correct.