you are making cookies for a party. The recipe makes 4 dozen cookies and requires 3 cups of flour 2 cups of chocolate chips and other ingredients. find an equivalent ratio that shows how many cups of.flour and chocolate chips you need to.make three times the original recipe

Three times as much of each.


To find an equivalent ratio for making three times the original recipe, you need to multiply the original amounts by 3.

Original recipe:
- 4 dozen cookies = 4 x 12 = 48 cookies
- 3 cups of flour
- 2 cups of chocolate chips

To make three times the original recipe:
- 3 x 48 = 144 cookies
- 3 x 3 = 9 cups of flour
- 3 x 2 = 6 cups of chocolate chips

Therefore, the equivalent ratio for making three times the original recipe is 9 cups of flour to 6 cups of chocolate chips.

To find an equivalent ratio for the amount of flour and chocolate chips needed to make three times the original recipe, we need to multiply the quantities from the original recipe by 3.

Original recipe:
- 4 dozen cookies
- 3 cups of flour
- 2 cups of chocolate chips

Now, let's calculate for three times the original recipe:

1. Multiply the 4 dozen cookies by 3 to get the total number of cookies:
4 dozen cookies * 3 = 12 dozen cookies

2. Since a dozen is equal to 12, we can find the total number of cookies in the new recipe:
12 dozen cookies * 12 = 144 cookies

3. Multiply the original quantity of flour by 3 to get the amount needed for the new recipe:
3 cups of flour * 3 = 9 cups of flour

4. Multiply the original quantity of chocolate chips by 3 to get the amount needed for the new recipe:
2 cups of chocolate chips * 3 = 6 cups of chocolate chips

Therefore, an equivalent ratio showing the amount of flour and chocolate chips needed to make three times the original recipe is:
9 cups of flour : 6 cups of chocolate chips.