Henry and Wayne operate a charter flying service out of Breckenridge, which sits at 9,600 feet above sea level.

Henry has two flights scheduled for the day. He is taking a couple from Breckenridge to Hamilton with a drop of 35% in elevation. At Hamilton, he is picking up 3 business men and taking them to Denver with a drop in elevation of 15%, which puts them at an elevation of
feet above sea level.

Wayne also has two flights scheduled for the day. He is taking a family from Breckenridge to Colorado Springs with a drop in elevation. At Colorado Springs, he is picking up some fishermen and taking them to Boulder with a drop in elevation, which puts them at an elevation of
feet above sea level.

After Henry and Wayne have both finished their two flights of the day, the final difference in their elevations is

To find the final elevation after each drop in elevation, we can use the following steps:

1. Calculate the drop in elevation for the first flight of Henry:
- Drop = 35% of 9,600 feet
- Drop = 0.35 * 9,600
- Drop = 3,360 feet

2. Calculate the final elevation after the first drop in elevation for Henry:
- Final elevation = 9,600 feet - Drop
- Final elevation = 9,600 - 3,360
- Final elevation = 6,240 feet

3. Calculate the drop in elevation for the second flight of Henry:
- Drop = 15% of 6,240 feet
- Drop = 0.15 * 6,240
- Drop = 936 feet

4. Calculate the final elevation after the second drop in elevation for Henry:
- Final elevation = 6,240 feet - Drop
- Final elevation = 6,240 - 936
- Final elevation = 5,304 feet

5. Calculate the drop in elevation for the first flight of Wayne (exact drop is not provided):
- Let's assume the drop is 20% of 9,600 feet for the first flight of Wayne
- Drop = 0.20 * 9,600
- Drop = 1,920 feet

6. Calculate the final elevation after the first drop in elevation for Wayne:
- Final elevation = 9,600 feet - Drop
- Final elevation = 9,600 - 1,920
- Final elevation = 7,680 feet

7. Calculate the drop in elevation for the second flight of Wayne (exact drop is not provided):
- Let's assume the drop is 25% of 7,680 feet for the second flight of Wayne
- Drop = 0.25 * 7,680
- Drop = 1,920 feet

8. Calculate the final elevation after the second drop in elevation for Wayne:
- Final elevation = 7,680 feet - Drop
- Final elevation = 7,680 - 1,920
- Final elevation = 5,760 feet

9. Calculate the final difference in elevations between Henry and Wayne:
- Final difference = Final elevation (Henry) - Final elevation (Wayne)
- Final difference = 5,304 feet - 5,760 feet
- Final difference = -456 feet (assuming a negative number means Wayne is higher)

Therefore, after completing their two flights for the day, the final difference in their elevations is -456 feet.

To calculate the final difference in their elevations, we need to determine the elevation of each destination after the drops in elevation from Breckenridge.

Let's start with Henry's flights:

1. First flight: From Breckenridge to Hamilton with a drop of 35% in elevation.
- Start elevation: 9,600 feet
- Drop in elevation: 35% of 9,600 feet = 3,360 feet
- Elevation at Hamilton: 9,600 feet - 3,360 feet = 6,240 feet

2. Second flight: From Hamilton to Denver with a drop of 15% in elevation.
- Start elevation: 6,240 feet
- Drop in elevation: 15% of 6,240 feet = 936 feet
- Elevation at Denver: 6,240 feet - 936 feet = 5,304 feet

Next, let's calculate Wayne's flights:

1. First flight: From Breckenridge to Colorado Springs with an unknown drop in elevation.
- Start elevation: 9,600 feet
- Drop in elevation: unknown

2. Second flight: From Colorado Springs to Boulder with an unknown drop in elevation.
- Start elevation: unknown
- Drop in elevation: unknown

Unfortunately, the information provided does not specify the drop in elevation for Wayne's flights to calculate the final elevations accurately. Please provide the drop in elevation for Wayne's flights, and I'll be happy to help you with the final difference in their elevations.


answer is wrong

henry: new elevation... .65*9600=6240

denver new elevation: .85*6240=5304

Wayne's drops in elevation are not stated.