Please EXPLAIN the steps fully CLEARLY, I have AlREADY GOT ANSWER so no need to worry. This is for GCSE just so you know.

I want explanation for both problems.

Ratio Problem 1- Chantel makes muesli using wheat flakes and dried fruit in ratio 8:5. She has a 200g of wheat flakes and 100g of dried fruit. How much muesli can she make?

ANSWER:260 grams

Ratio Problem 2- Kylie makes trail mix by mixing nuts and raisins in the ratio 7:3. She has 84g of nuts and 60g of raisins. How much trail mix can she make?

ANSWER: 120 grams

Can someone help please??

if 100g = 5x, x=20, meaning she uses 160g of flakes.

Any more than that, and she'd need more than 100g of fruit.

84g = 7x; x=12
so, she needs 12*3=36g of raisins.
Using any more than 36g means x>12, and she'd need more than 84g of nuts.

Any video links you know of about this? Please post the links. What does post.cgi mean by the way?

Sure, I'd be happy to explain the steps to solve both of these ratio problems.

In both problems, the given ratio represents the proportion of two different ingredients used to make the final product. To find the amount of the final product, we need to find the "common multiplier" that balances the ratio of the given ingredients, and then multiply that multiplier by the total weight of one set of ingredients.

Let's start with Problem 1:

Chantel has a ratio of 8:5 for wheat flakes and dried fruit. She has 200g of wheat flakes and 100g of dried fruit. The first step is to find the common multiplier by comparing the amounts of wheat flakes and dried fruit.

To find the common multiplier, we can set up a proportion:

8 (ratio for wheat flakes) / 5 (ratio for dried fruit) = 200 (amount of wheat flakes) / x (amount of dried fruit)

Now, we cross-multiply and solve for x:

8x = 5 * 200
8x = 1000
x = 1000 / 8
x = 125

So, the common multiplier is 125. This means that for every 125 grams of wheat flakes, Chantel will need 125 grams of dried fruit to maintain the ratio.

Now, to find the total amount of muesli she can make, we add the amounts of wheat flakes and dried fruit together:

200g (wheat flakes) + 125g (dried fruit) = 325g

Therefore, Chantel can make 325 grams of muesli.

Moving on to Problem 2:

Kylie has a ratio of 7:3 for nuts and raisins. She has 84g of nuts and 60g of raisins. Again, we need to find the common multiplier to balance the ratio and then multiply it by the total weight of one set of ingredients.

Setting up the proportion:

7 (ratio for nuts) / 3 (ratio for raisins) = 84 (amount of nuts) / x (amount of raisins)

Cross-multiplying and solving for x:

7x = 3 * 84
7x = 252
x = 252 / 7
x = 36

The common multiplier is 36, meaning that for every 36 grams of nuts, Kylie will need 36 grams of raisins to maintain the ratio.

Adding the amounts of nuts and raisins together:

84g (nuts) + 36g (raisins) = 120g

Therefore, Kylie can make 120 grams of trail mix.

I hope these explanations help you understand how to solve ratio problems. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!