Tim is mixing blue and white paint to make pale blue paint. He uses 2 quarts of blue for every 3 quarts white. How many quarts of each color would he need to make 35 quarts of pale blue?

Is the answer 14 quarts of blue and 21 quarts of white?

Yes, you're right.

how many more quarts did Dylan use of paint

To find the number of quarts of each color Tim would need to make 35 quarts of pale blue paint, let's use proportions.

The ratio of blue to white is 2:3. This means for every 2 quarts of blue, he needs 3 quarts of white.

Let's calculate the proportions:

Blue:White = 2:3

Let's set up the equation to find the number of quarts of each color:

2x + 3x = 35

Combine like terms:

5x = 35

Now, solve for x:

x = 35/5

x = 7

So, Tim would need 7 quarts of blue and 3*7 = 21 quarts of white to make 35 quarts of pale blue paint.

Therefore, the correct answer is 7 quarts of blue and 21 quarts of white.

To find the quarts of blue and white paint needed to make 35 quarts of pale blue, we can set up a proportion using the given ratio of blue to white.

The ratio is 2 quarts of blue for every 3 quarts of white.

Let's call the quarts of blue "x" and the quarts of white "y".

We can set up the proportion:

2/3 = x/y

To solve for x and y, we can cross-multiply and solve for x:

2y = 3x

Now, we can solve for x. Rearrange the equation to solve for x:

x = (2y) / 3

Since we want to find the values of x and y when the total amount of pale blue paint is 35 quarts, we can set up another equation:

x + y = 35

Now, substitute the value of x from the previous equation into this equation:

[(2y) / 3] + y = 35

Multiply both sides of the equation by 3 to get rid of the fraction:

2y + 3y = 105

Combine like terms:

5y = 105

Divide both sides by 5 to solve for y:

y = 21

Now, substitute the value of y back into the equation for x:

x = (2 * 21) / 3 = 42 / 3 = 14

So, to make 35 quarts of pale blue paint, Tim would need 14 quarts of blue and 21 quarts of white.

Yes, your answer of 14 quarts of blue and 21 quarts of white is correct!