Which of the following would have been a source for dispute between the Eastern and Western Churches in the 11th century?

claiming the pope was the highest Christian authority
seeking to convert others to Christianity
determining the day of the week on which the Sabbath fell
continuing the practice of baptism

is it b

is it a

Yes, a.


thx so much

You're very welcome.

The source of dispute between the Eastern and Western Churches in the 11th century from the given options would have been:

- Claiming the pope was the highest Christian authority.

To get to this answer, let's analyze each option:

1. Seeking to convert others to Christianity: While there may have been differences in missionary efforts and approaches between the Eastern and Western Churches during the 11th century, this point does not specifically highlight a source of dispute between them.

2. Determining the day of the week on which the Sabbath fell: This issue relates to the observance of the Sabbath, which is primarily a concern within Judaism rather than a primary source of dispute between the Eastern and Western Churches.

3. Continuing the practice of baptism: Baptism is a universally recognized Christian sacrament, and its practice is not something that would have usually caused significant disputes between the Eastern and Western Churches.

4. Claiming the pope was the highest Christian authority: This option stands out as a key source of dispute during the 11th century. The Eastern and Western Churches had long-standing theological and political differences, with the authority of the pope being one significant point of contention. The Eastern Church, known as the Eastern Orthodox Church, operated on a system of shared leadership among multiple patriarchs, while the Western Church, centered in Rome, acknowledged the authority of the pope as the highest Christian authority. This difference in structure and authority led to conflicts and eventually led to the Great Schism in 1054, separating the Eastern and Western Churches.

Therefore, the correct answer is "Claiming the pope was the highest Christian authority."