5. Which of the following words has a negative connotation?

A. Splendor
B. Vibrate
C. Murky
D. Fringed

My guess is B or D.

I mean c or d.

Sorry I'm not very good at typing

Why are you guessing?

Look them up.


Which is your final answer?

its c

To determine which of the following words has a negative connotation, you need to understand the meanings and associations of each word.

Start by examining each option:
A. Splendor: Splendor generally has a positive connotation as it refers to something magnificent or beautiful.
B. Vibrate: Vibrate does not necessarily have a negative or positive connotation. It typically indicates movement or oscillation.
C. Murky: Murky has a negative connotation. It suggests something unclear, obscure, or gloomy.
D. Fringed: Fringed does not inherently carry a negative connotation. It refers to something adorned with a border of decorative elements.

So, among the given options, the word with a negative connotation is "C. Murky."