using the information that 3.19 x 78.3 = 217.871

calculate 0.319 x 7.83

To calculate 0.319 x 7.83, you can use the same method as multiplying the numbers given in the information.

Step 1: Rewrite the numbers with the same number of decimal places. In this case, multiply 0.319 by 10 to make it 3.19.

0.319 x 10 = 3.19

Step 2: Rewrite the second number by moving the decimal point one place to the right. Multiply 7.83 by 10.

7.83 x 10 = 78.3

Step 3: Multiply the two numbers obtained in step 1 and step 2 (3.19 x 78.3) to find the answer.

3.19 x 78.3 = 217.871

Step 4: The final step is to move the decimal point back to the correct position by dividing the answer by 10.

217.871 ÷ 10 = 21.7871

Therefore, 0.319 x 7.83 is equal to 21.7871.