Each course at college X is worth either 3 or 4 credits. The members of the​ men's swim team are taking a total of 52 courses that are worth a total of 169 credits. How many 3​-credit courses and how many 4​-credit courses are being​ taken?

Let's assume the number of 3-credit courses taken is represented by 'x'.

So, the number of 4-credit courses taken can be represented by '52 - x'.

Given that each 3-credit course is worth 3 credits and each 4-credit course is worth 4 credits, the total credits of the 3-credit courses would be 3x and the total credits of the 4-credit courses would be 4(52 - x).

According to the problem, the total credits are 169. So, we can write the equation as:
3x + 4(52 - x) = 169

Solving this equation will give us the values of 'x' and (52 - x), which represent the number of 3-credit courses and 4-credit courses respectively.

Let's solve the equation:
3x + 208 - 4x = 169
-x = 169 - 208
-x = -39
x = 39

Therefore, the number of 3-credit courses being taken is 39, and the number of 4-credit courses being taken is (52 - 39) = 13.

To determine the number of 3-credit and 4-credit courses being taken by the members of the men's swim team, we can set up a system of equations.

Let's assume that the number of 3-credit courses is x, and the number of 4-credit courses is y.

According to the problem statement, the total number of courses taken is 52, so we have the equation:

x + y = 52

Additionally, the total number of credits for these courses is 169, so we have another equation:

3x + 4y = 169

Now we can solve this system of equations to determine the values of x and y.

One method to solve this system is by substitution:

From the first equation, we can rewrite it as x = 52 - y.

Substituting this into the second equation, we get:

3(52 - y) + 4y = 169

Simplifying, we have:

156 - 3y + 4y = 169

Combining like terms, we get:

y = 169 - 156

y = 13

Now, substituting this value back into the first equation, we can solve for x:

x + 13 = 52

x = 52 - 13

x = 39

Therefore, the members of the men's swim team are taking 39 courses worth 3 credits each and 13 courses worth 4 credits each.

Look at the response to this question last night by both Steve and I.

All you have to do is change the original second equation, and solve.
