Students build a float for homecoming parade. The float is rectangular shaped. The float 6 feet wide and 10 feet long. The students make a scale drawing of the float that is 14 inches long. What is the width of the scale drawing of the float?



w=6*14/10 inches=

To find the width of the scale drawing of the float, you need to use the concept of scale factor.

First, find the scale factor by dividing the length of the actual float by the length of the scale drawing:
Scale factor = Actual length / Length of scale drawing
= 10 feet / 14 inches

To perform this calculation, you need to convert either the actual length to inches or the length of the scale drawing to feet for consistency. Let's convert the actual length to inches, since the scale drawing is already given in inches:
10 feet = 10 feet * 12 inches/foot = 120 inches

Now substitute the values back into the equation:
Scale factor = 120 inches / 14 inches
= 8.57

The scale factor represents how many times smaller the scale drawing is compared to the actual size.
To find the width of the scale drawing, multiply the width of the actual float by the scale factor:
Width of scale drawing = Actual width * Scale factor
= 6 feet * 8.57

Convert the result back to inches, since the scale drawing is given in inches:
Width of scale drawing = 6 feet * 12 inches/foot * 8.57
= 617.04 inches

Therefore, the width of the scale drawing of the float is approximately 617.04 inches.