18. Which action during westward expansion had the most negative impact on the lives of slaves?

A.) The Fugitive Slave Act****
B.) The Mexican-American War
C.) The Treaty of Washinton
D.) The Missouri Compromise

19. Which answer best describes why towns and cities were built around railroads and canals?

A.) The government and transportation companies planned to build the cities.
B.) The canals and railroads were designed to pass through areas well suited for towns
C.) People who worked on the trains and canal boats needed places to stay when they traveled
D.) Land was cheap, and the railroads and canals brought inexpensive goods to the newly settled areas****

20. What was the response of the states to Andrew Jackson's reaction to the Supreme Court decision in favor of the Cherokee in Worcester v. Georgia?

A.) Some states chose to begin attacking Native American settlements
B.) Tennessee and Kentucky decided to reject Jackson's plan for removal****
C.) Georgia and other states felt encouraged to remove the Native Americans
D.) Many states began to change their plans for removal to focus more on compromise

18.) A
19.) D
20.) B

Can someone please check my answers?

Did you graduate from collage or high school cause you smart. ;)

18 and 19 are right.

20 is wrong.

Is 20 D instead? Sorry for wasting your time this is my last question on my homework and i'm stuck. This was actually make up work i was out for 3 days

No. D is also wrong for 20.

You're on your own now with only two choices left.

bougii you should see parks and rec and the office :)

i am definitely not here for this horrible attempt at flirting by mister mike...

i guess teachers have their own ways of doing anything.

Sure! Let's go through each question and answer choice to check your answers.

18. Which action during westward expansion had the most negative impact on the lives of slaves?
A.) The Fugitive Slave Act
B.) The Mexican-American War
C.) The Treaty of Washington
D.) The Missouri Compromise

Your answer: A) The Fugitive Slave Act

Correct! The Fugitive Slave Act, which was a part of the Compromise of 1850, greatly impacted the lives of slaves. It required the capture and return of runaway slaves even in states where slavery was illegal. This increased the risk of being captured and returned to slavery for many runaway slaves.

19. Which answer best describes why towns and cities were built around railroads and canals?
A.) The government and transportation companies planned to build the cities.
B.) The canals and railroads were designed to pass through areas well-suited for towns.
C.) People who worked on the trains and canal boats needed places to stay when they traveled.
D.) Land was cheap, and the railroads and canals brought inexpensive goods to newly settled areas.

Your answer: D) Land was cheap, and the railroads and canals brought inexpensive goods to the newly settled areas.

Correct! Towns and cities were often built around railroads and canals because they brought economic opportunities and increased trade. Railroads and canals facilitated the transportation of goods, making them more accessible and affordable to people in newly settled areas. This spurred economic growth and attracted individuals to settle near these transportation routes.

20. What was the response of the states to Andrew Jackson's reaction to the Supreme Court decision in favor of the Cherokee in Worcester v. Georgia?
A.) Some states chose to begin attacking Native American settlements.
B.) Tennessee and Kentucky decided to reject Jackson's plan for removal.
C.) Georgia and other states felt encouraged to remove the Native Americans.
D.) Many states began to change their plans for removal to focus more on compromise.

Your answer: B) Tennessee and Kentucky decided to reject Jackson's plan for removal.

Incorrect. The correct answer is C) Georgia and other states felt encouraged to remove the Native Americans. Andrew Jackson, despite the Supreme Court's ruling in Worcester v. Georgia, which upheld the sovereignty of the Cherokee Nation, famously ignored the decision and supported the Indian Removal Act. This emboldened states like Georgia to forcibly remove Native American tribes from their lands, leading to forced marches like the Trail of Tears.

So, to recap:
18.) Correct! (A) The Fugitive Slave Act had the most negative impact on the lives of slaves.
19.) Correct! (D) Land was cheap, and the railroads and canals brought inexpensive goods to newly settled areas.
20.) Incorrect. The correct answer is (C) Georgia and other states felt encouraged to remove the Native Americans due to Jackson's actions.

Great job overall!