
= 5(7)-{8-[5-(9+6)]}
= 35-{8-[5-(9+6)]}
= 35-{8-[15]}
= 35-{8-[-10]}
= 35- {8+10}
= 35-18
= 17

There is no equation, since there is no = sign. It's just an expression.

The first line in WORK does not match the original expression. From that point on, however, things look good.

thanks steve ☺

To solve this equation, you need to follow the order of operations, also known as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division, Addition and Subtraction).

Let's break it down step by step:

1. Start with the innermost parentheses first. In this case, we have (9+6), which equals 15.

2. Next, simplify the expression within the square brackets. We have 5-(9+6). Again, the inner parentheses need to be evaluated first, so (9+6) equals 15. Therefore, 5-(9+6) becomes 5-15, which equals -10.

3. Now, let's substitute the simplified expressions back into the original equation.


= 5(7)-{8-(-10)}

= 5(7)-{8+10}

4. Evaluate the multiplication first. 5 multiplied by 7 equals 35.

5. Now, simplify the expression within the curly brackets. We have 8+10, which equals 18.

6. Finally, substitute the previously computed values back into the original equation.


7. Evaluate the subtraction. 35 minus 18 equals 17.

Therefore, the final answer is 17.