I need help on multiplying and dividing functions. I've seen videos and read and read examples but I still don't get it. I did the last problem which looked like an example I had read but I still don't know if I did it right: f(x)=2x+1

F(3)/g(2)= F(3)=2(3)+1=7
seems wrong, I did one more and I got this: f(x)=2x
then from there I don't know what to do or even if I did it right. Can anyone help me solve these and I'll use them as examples for the rest.

f(x) = 2x+1 , g(x) = 3x+2

f(3) / f(2) = 7/8

then if
f(x)=2x , g(x)=3x^3
f(x)/g(x)=2x/(3x^3) = 2/3x^2

end of problem, how easy was that

Note that f(2) does not mean f*2 where f has some intrinsic value.

If f(x) = 2x+1

f(2) is a signle number, obtained by replacing all the x's with 2's:

f(2) = 2*2+1 = 5

The confusion arises due to using () both for multiplication of numbers and containing the argument of a function.

f(2) is read f of 2, nit f times 2.

Sure, I'd be happy to help you with multiplying and dividing functions!

Let's start with your first example:
f(x) = 2x + 1
g(x) = 3x + 2

To find f(3)/g(2), we first need to evaluate f(3) and g(2).
f(3) = 2(3) + 1 = 6 + 1 = 7
g(2) = 3(2) + 2 = 6 + 2 = 8

Now, we can divide f(3) by g(2):
f(3)/g(2) = 7/8 = 0.875

So, you did it correctly! The result for f(3)/g(2) is indeed 0.875.

Now let's move on to your second example:
f(x) = 2x
g(x) = 3x^3

To find f(x)/g(x), we need to substitute f(x) and g(x) into the expression.
f(x)/g(x) = (2x) / (3x^3)

To simplify this expression, we can cancel out common factors:
f(x)/g(x) = (2/3) / (x^2)

So, f(x)/g(x) simplifies to 2/3x^2.

Remember that when dividing polynomials, you can cancel out common factors. In this case, there is a common factor of 2 in the numerator and denominator, and x in the denominator cancels out with x^3 in the denominator.

I hope this helps! If you have any further questions or need more examples, feel free to ask.