To qualify for a store discount, clay's soccer team mist spend at least $560 for new jerseys. The team needs 20 jerseys. Write and solve an inequality to represent how much the team should spend on each jersey to qualify for the discount.

I got 20x <= 560 but im not sure its correct.

Your inequality says that the team cannot by more than $560 worth of jerseys.

Is it right? Or wrong?

Your answer is almost correct, but there is a slight error in the inequality. However, I'll explain how to correctly write and solve the inequality.

To find out how much the team should spend on each jersey, we can let 'x' represent the cost per jersey. Since the team needs 20 jerseys, the total amount spent on jerseys will be 20x.

According to the given information, the team must spend at least $560 for new jerseys. This means that 20x (the total amount spent on jerseys) must be greater than or equal to $560.

So, the correct inequality to represent this situation is:

20x ≥ 560

To solve this inequality for 'x', you need to divide both sides of the inequality by 20:

(20x) / 20 ≥ 560 / 20
x ≥ 28

Therefore, the team should spend at least $28 on each jersey in order to qualify for the store discount.