You are assigned to write an essay which must maintain the indicative mood throughout. Which of the choices below would need to be removed or revised?

A) Have you ever wished for anything so badly that it hurt not to have it?
B) I often walk down the street near my house, deep in thought.
C) One day, I saw that my friend had gotten a 10-speed bike for Christmas.
D) I knew intense jealousy that very moment.
I think its D. I don't know

Indicative means that you are writing regular sentences -- statement -- no questions, no commands, no exclamations.

Which of those four sentences is NOT indicative?

i would go with D

D is incorrect. MarK needs to read my post and answer my question!

I think it's A

To determine which choice needs to be removed or revised to maintain the indicative mood throughout the essay, let's first understand what indicative mood means.

Indicative mood is used to make statements, ask questions, or express facts or opinions. It is often used to convey straightforward information. In contrast, other moods like imperative or subjunctive are used for commands or hypothetical situations.

Now let's analyze each choice you provided:

A) "Have you ever wished for anything so badly that it hurt not to have it?" - This sentence is in the interrogative (question) form, which is not indicative. So, it would need to be removed or revised.

B) "I often walk down the street near my house, deep in thought." - This sentence is written in indicative form. It states a fact about the speaker's regular activity. So, it can be kept as is.

C) "One day, I saw that my friend had gotten a 10-speed bike for Christmas." - This sentence is also in indicative form. It describes a past event that the speaker witnessed. So, it can be kept as is.

D) "I knew intense jealousy that very moment." - This sentence is in indicative form. It states the speaker's emotional state at a particular moment. So, it can also be kept as is.

Based on this analysis, the correct answer is A) "Have you ever wished for anything so badly that it hurt not to have it?" as it needs to be removed or revised to maintain the indicative mood throughout the essay.