1.which of the following do historians not consider a legacy of the Byzantine Empire?

a)Justinians code: an organazation of roman laws.

b)Eastern orthadox church: a combination of Eastern culture and Christianity.

c)cyrillic alphabet: a combination of greek and latin letters.

d) feudalism: an organization of people for protection. (MY ANSWER)

Right, again! :-)

Thank you.

You're very welcome.

To determine which of the options historians do not consider a legacy of the Byzantine Empire, we need to have an understanding of what the Byzantine Empire is and what legacies it left behind.

The Byzantine Empire was the eastern part of the Roman Empire that existed from the 4th century to the 15th century. It had a significant influence on the development of architecture, art, law, language, and religion.

Now let's evaluate each option:

a) Justinian's code: This refers to the organization of Roman laws by Emperor Justinian, which became the basis of legal systems in Europe. This is indeed considered a legacy of the Byzantine Empire.

b) Eastern Orthodox Church: The Byzantine Empire played a crucial role in the development of Eastern Orthodox Christianity, which became the dominant religion in the region. Therefore, the Eastern Orthodox Church is considered a legacy of the empire.

c) Cyrillic alphabet: The Byzantine Empire did not develop the Cyrillic alphabet. It was actually developed by the First Bulgarian Empire in the 9th century, influenced by the Greek and Latin alphabets. So, the Cyrillic alphabet is not considered a direct legacy of the Byzantine Empire.

d) Feudalism: Feudalism is a social and economic system characterized by land ownership, labor obligations, and hierarchical relationships. While the Byzantine Empire had some elements of feudalism, it was not as prevalent as in Western Europe during the medieval period. So, it is not considered a significant legacy of the empire.

From the provided options, the correct answer would be (d) feudalism. It is not considered a central legacy of the Byzantine Empire, as its influence on feudalism was limited compared to other aspects such as law and religion.