Does "identical" mean SameShape or SameSize in Tarski's World?

In Tarski's World, "identical" means "SameShape". This means that two objects are identical if they have the same shape, regardless of their size. To determine if two objects are identical in Tarski's World, you can follow these steps:

1. Open Tarski's World software or online environment.

2. Create two objects with different sizes but the same shape. For example, you can use two squares of different sizes.

3. Select one object and click on the "SameShape" tool in the software. This tool is usually represented by an icon that looks like two shapes overlapping each other.

4. Click on the second object. If they are identical, the software will indicate this by highlighting both objects or providing a visual cue.

5. If the software does not indicate that the objects are identical, it means they have different shapes.

Remember, in Tarski's World, identical objects refer to those with the same shape, not size.