Help, Please!

I don't quite understand what is asking in this assignment (Essay)

Task: Write an essay that compares Frankenstein and his creation to a modern zombie story with the focus on how a monster might be used as a metaphor for science or scientific advances and/or how such a metaphor could be considered social commentary about science.

How can I explain/write about the Frankenstein's monster in my first body paragraph?
For my topic sentence is it good if I write something as: Monsters are often symbols of society's anxieties/nightmares, but more importantly the misuse of science and technology.

I really don't know to start! please!

Don't write your topic sentence until you have written the rest of the essay. Do you have a thesis from which to write your essay?

This may help you:

Might something as this...

A thesis statement: Scientific advances do have an enormousness repercussion which leads humanity to its darkest fears and anxieties.

To write about Frankenstein's monster in your first body paragraph, you need to introduce the concept of the monster and its connection to society's anxieties and the misuse of science and technology. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

1. Begin with an attention-grabbing opening sentence that sets the tone for your essay. For example, you could start with a thought-provoking statement like, "Monsters have long been seen as embodiments of society's deepest fears, reflecting our anxieties about the consequences of scientific and technological advancement."

2. Follow your opening sentence with a brief introduction to Frankenstein's monster. Provide a concise overview of the monster's creation by Victor Frankenstein and the circumstances surrounding its birth.

3. Introduce the significance of monsters as symbols. Explain that monsters, including Frankenstein's creation, often serve as symbols of society's fears and nightmares but also represent the misuse of science and technology. This statement will help establish the connection between the monster and the broader themes of your essay.

4. Use your topic sentence to transition to your main point. For example, you can write: "In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, the monstrous creation serves as a powerful metaphor for the potential dangers that arise from the unchecked pursuit of scientific knowledge and the unethical application of technology."

5. Support your topic sentence with specific examples from the novel. Discuss instances where the monster's existence and actions highlight the consequences of playing "God" and interfering with the natural order of life. Explore how the monster's isolation and rejection by society further emphasize the societal ramifications of scientific advancements.

6. Conclude your paragraph by summarizing the main ideas you have discussed. You can end with a sentence that foreshadows the upcoming comparison to a modern zombie story, such as: "By delving into the complex character of Frankenstein's creature, Shelley's novel provides a foundation for exploring how contemporary zombie narratives similarly grapple with the ethical implications of science and its impact on society."

Remember, this is just a general guideline. You can adjust the structure and content of your paragraph to fit your writing style and the specific examples or arguments you plan to present in your essay.