You have $5 for lunch. You bought a turkey sandwich for $2.25. Write and Solve an inequality to show how much more you can spend. Thank you in advance for the help. I cannot seem to figure this out!

A. x=5-2.25

x being representing the amount of money you have left

B. X=5-2.25

how do i solve this equation ms sue?

Oh i get it thank you Ms. Sue

dude (Shut it I'm right)

you answered all of the same questions put on another jiskha site someone else started-lol-
and I have talked in all of them-

TYSM again <:)

To solve this problem, let's first define a variable to represent the amount of money you have left after buying the turkey sandwich. Let's call this variable "x".

Since you started with $5 and spent $2.25 on the turkey sandwich, your equation would be:

x = 5 - 2.25

Now, we want to find how much more you can spend, so we need to find the value of "x".

x = 5 - 2.25
x = 2.75

Therefore, you have $2.75 left to spend. To write an inequality to represent this, we can use the less than or equal to symbol (≤). The inequality would be:

x ≤ 2.75

This means that the amount of money you have left, represented by "x", must be less than or equal to $2.75 for you to stay within your $5 budget.

5 - 2.25 >= x