Lina is 4 years older than christy, five years from now , her age will be twice Christy's age 4 years ago. What are their present ages?

Christy ---- x

Lina -------x+4

Five years from now:
Lina -------x + 9

Four years ago:
Christy --- x-4

x+9 = 2(x-4)
x+9 = 2x - 8
x = 17

Christy is 17 and Lina is 21

five years from now Lina 26
Four years ago Christy was 13
is Lina age twice that of Christy ? YES

To solve this question, we can set up two equations based on the given information.

Let's assume Christy's present age is C.
From the information given, we know that Lina is currently 4 years older than Christy, so Lina's present age is C + 4.

Five years from now, Christy's age will be C + 5.
And four years ago, Christy's age would have been C - 4.

According to the question, Lina's age five years from now will be twice Christy's age four years ago. So we can write the equation:

C + 4 + 5 = 2(C - 4)

Let's solve this equation to find Christy's present age (C):

C + 9 = 2C - 8 (Distributing the 2)

9 + 8 = 2C - C (Combining like terms)

17 = C

Therefore, Christy's present age (C) is 17 years old.

Since Lina is 4 years older, her present age (L) is 17 + 4 = 21 years old.

So, Christy is 17 years old and Lina is 21 years old.