What can you guess about the author's point of view that would cause Columbus to say he hopes to find "gold or spices in abundance"?


I can guess that the author's point of view is realistic?



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To analyze the author's point of view in this statement, we can consider the historical context and motivations of Christopher Columbus during the Age of Exploration. Here's how we can approach this question step by step to understand the possible reasoning behind Columbus expressing hopes to find "gold or spices in abundance":

1. Background knowledge: Understand the historical context. Christopher Columbus was an Italian explorer who sought to find a direct sea route from Europe to Asia. During the 15th century, European powers, including Spain, were driven by factors such as wealth, power, and competition to explore new territories and establish trade networks.

2. Consider the prevailing beliefs and motivations: The exploration efforts during this time were largely driven by the potential for acquiring riches. The European nations hoped to find valuable resources such as gold, silver, and precious gemstones, which were highly sought after for accumulating wealth and funding further expeditions.

3. Analyze the statement: When Columbus expressed his hopes of finding "gold or spices in abundance," it indicates the mindset and objectives of explorers during that period. Gold represented wealth, while spices such as pepper, cinnamon, and nutmeg were highly prized commodities that carried immense economic value due to their scarcity and popularity.

4. Connection to the author's point of view: The author's mention of Columbus's aspiration for finding "gold or spices in abundance" suggests that he was driven by the desire to fulfill the expectations and goals of his sponsors, who sought dominance in global trade and wealth accumulation.

In conclusion, by analyzing the historical context and motivations of exploration during Columbus's time, we can infer that his hopes of finding "gold or spices in abundance" stemmed from the prevailing beliefs and motivations of that era, which were centered around acquiring wealth and establishing economic dominance.