I need 1 paragraph explaing where math came from for my uncle

why does your uncle want a single paragraph?

google is your friend. If he really cares, he'll read more than one steenkin' paragraph!

Some blame it on people like Pythagoras but I think folks along the Indus River thought it up to keep track of monsoons and crops and water level and stars and stuff. The really important guy was Sicilian but everyone calls him Greek named Archimedes. He not only figured out why things float but got limits and series and differentials long before Newton and Leibniz came along. You will just have to Goggle all that.


steve your n idiot

at least I can use google

and, I can spell

Mathematics, as we know it today, has evolved over centuries and has roots stretching back to ancient civilizations. Some of the earliest mathematical practices can be traced to Mesopotamia, Egypt, and ancient Greece. These early mathematical developments were primarily focused on practical problems like trade, land measurement, and construction. However, the Greeks made significant contributions to the theoretical understanding of mathematics, introducing deductive reasoning and geometry. This laid the foundation for modern mathematical concepts. Over time, different cultures and civilizations built upon these foundations, leading to the development of algebra, calculus, statistics, and other branches of mathematics that we use today. Through centuries of cultural exchange and scientific progress, mathematics has become a universal language for describing and understanding the underlying patterns of the universe.