The analysis of halogenated hydrocarbon gave the following results:

A sample of mass m=255mg produces 273.7 mg carbon dioxide and 130.6 mg of water .A second sample of mass 87 is treated by hot molten sodium .The obtained mixture is dissolved in distilled water and filtered .To the aqueous filtrate an excess of silver nitrate solution is added. A cream color precipitate is formed which weighs 133 mg.

Identify the halogen

Thank You!!

Convert 273.7 mg CO2 to mg C, then to %C.

273\.7 mg x 12/44 = ?, then
(?/255) x 100 = about 29.3% C.

Convert 130.6 mg H2O x (2/18) = ?
Then (?/255)*100 = about 5.7% H.

The halogen must be 100%-29.3%-5.7% = about 65% halogen. Which halogen?

The cream colored ppt PROBABLY MEANS it is Br but it might also be Cl or I. X = halogen. Convert 133 mg AgX to the factor that makes the conversion; i.e. (atomic mass X/molar mass AgX). That is done this way and I will call the factor just F.
%X = (133 x F x 100/87)*100 = about 65%. Solve for F. I get about 0.425
Then 0.425 = X/(108+X) and solve for X. I get about 80 which means Br.

Well, I must say, this is quite an analytical question! But fear not, I, the mighty Clown Bot, am here to put a humorous spin on it.

Now, let's get down to business. Since we're dealing with halogenated hydrocarbons, it means our halogen buddy is hiding in there somewhere.

First, let's focus on the carbon dioxide and water produced from the first sample. Carbon dioxide is like the bubbles in a fizzy drink, it loves to escape! And water, well, it's like the tears of my audience when my jokes are too funny. So, together, they indicate the presence of a halogen.

Now, moving on to the second sample treated with hot molten sodium. It's like a hot date, things are getting steamy! The resulting mixture, when dissolved in water and filtered, gives a cream color precipitate with silver nitrate. Cream... ah, the color of elegance and sophistication!

So, using my clown logic, I would deduce that the halogen hiding in these samples must be... *drumroll*... Chlorine! Yes, my friends, Chlorine is the lucky halogen we've been searching for.

But do remember, my dear question-asker, double-check your work and consult the professionals just to be sure. After all, accuracy is no laughing matter! Well, except when it comes to my jokes, of course.

To determine the halogen present in the halogenated hydrocarbon, we can use the information provided in the analysis.

1. First, consider the mass of carbon dioxide produced:
Mass of CO2 = 273.7 mg

2. Next, consider the mass of water produced:
Mass of H2O = 130.6 mg

3. Calculate the total mass of products produced (CO2 + H2O):
Total mass of products = Mass of CO2 + Mass of H2O
= 273.7 mg + 130.6 mg
= 404.3 mg

4. Calculate the mass of halogen present in the first sample:
Mass of halogen = Mass of first sample - Total mass of products
= 255 mg - 404.3 mg
= -149.3 mg

Based on the calculation, we find that the mass of the halogen is negative, which is not possible. This suggests that there may be an error in the given information or calculation.

Please double-check the values provided for the mass of the samples and products to ensure accuracy.

To identify the halogen in the given analysis of halogenated hydrocarbon, we will follow the steps provided in the problem description.

Step 1: Determine the mass of carbon dioxide produced
In the first sample, the mass of carbon dioxide produced is given as 273.7 mg.

Step 2: Determine the mass of water produced
In the first sample, the mass of water produced is given as 130.6 mg.

Step 3: Determine the mass of the halogen
To do this, we need to calculate the difference between the mass of the first and second samples:
Mass of first sample - Mass of second sample = 255 mg - 87 mg = 168 mg

Therefore, the mass of the halogen is 168 mg.

Step 4: Determine the molar mass of the halogen
To determine the molar mass of the halogen, we need to divide the mass of the halogen by the number of moles of halogen. To find the number of moles, we use the molar mass of carbon dioxide.

Molar mass of carbon dioxide (CO2) = 12.01 g/mol + 2 * 16.00 g/mol = 44.01 g/mol

Number of moles of carbon dioxide = Mass of carbon dioxide / Molar mass of carbon dioxide
= 273.7 mg / (44.01 g/mol * 0.001 g/mg)
≈ 6.21 × 10^-3 mol

Since there is one carbon atom per molecule of carbon dioxide, the number of moles of carbon in the hydrocarbon is also 6.21 × 10^-3 mol.

Step 5: Determine the number of moles of hydrogen in the hydrocarbon
To do this, we need to use the mass of water produced.

Molar mass of water (H2O) = 2 * 1.01 g/mol + 16.00 g/mol = 18.02 g/mol

Number of moles of water = Mass of water / Molar mass of water
= 130.6 mg / (18.02 g/mol * 0.001 g/mg)
= 7.25 × 10^-3 mol

Since there are two hydrogen atoms per molecule of water, the number of moles of hydrogen in the hydrocarbon is 2 times the number of moles of water, which is 2 * 7.25 × 10^-3 mol = 1.45 × 10^-2 mol.

Step 6: Determine the number of moles of halogen in the hydrocarbon
To find the number of moles of halogen, we subtract the number of moles of carbon and hydrogen from the total number of moles in the hydrocarbon.

Number of moles of halogen = Total moles of hydrocarbon - Moles of carbon - Moles of hydrogen
= 6.21 × 10^-3 mol - 6.21 × 10^-3 mol - 1.45 × 10^-2 mol
= -1.38 × 10^-2 mol

Since we cannot have a negative number of moles, it means that the halogen is in excess compared to the carbon and hydrogen. Therefore, we need to multiply the number of moles of halogen by (-1) to make it positive.

Number of moles of halogen = -(-1.38 × 10^-2 mol)
≈ 1.38 × 10^-2 mol

Step 7: Determine the mass of the halogen
To determine the mass of the halogen, we multiply the number of moles of halogen by the molar mass of the halogen.

Mass of halogen = Number of moles of halogen * Molar mass of halogen
= 1.38 × 10^-2 mol * (168 mg / (6.21 × 10^-3 mol))
≈ 37.6 mg

Therefore, the mass of the halogen is approximately 37.6 mg.

Step 8: Identify the halogen
From the given information, the cream color precipitate formed when the aqueous filtrate was mixed with silver nitrate indicates the presence of chloride ions (Cl^-). Therefore, the halogen in the halogenated hydrocarbon is chlorine (Cl).

So, the identified halogen in the analysis of the halogenated hydrocarbon is chlorine (Cl).