Has the cat got your_______?

tongue. An old American "saying" to someone who isn't answering a question or otherwise not speaking when he/she should.

Has the cat got your tongue?

The phrase "Has the cat got your ______?" is often used in playful or joking situations when someone is being evasive or not answering a question directly. The blank space is typically filled with a word that represents what the person is not willing to talk about.

For example, the phrase might be completed with "tongue," suggesting that the person is being silent or refusing to speak. In this context, it is not a literal question about a cat having your tongue but rather a way to tease or prompt someone to provide a response.

So, the answer to the question depends on the specific situation and conversation you are referring to. If someone asks you this question, they are likely suggesting that you are avoiding answering them directly. It's usually just a playful way to encourage someone to open up and share their opinion or thoughts.