Hi! So I have to make a book for my writing class. I'm making a Cinderella story. Elizabeth is the "Cinderella" and so she has to save the prince and she has a dragon by her side. Sorry if this is lame. What should I call the book???

After you finish writing the book, then you can decide on a title.

Fair enough.

You can do Not Another Cinderella Story

The Lopsided Story of Cinderella

Something like that :D

Thats a good Anonymous :D

Hi there! Don't worry, your idea for a Cinderella story with a twist sounds great! When it comes to choosing a title for your book, there are a few steps you can follow to help come up with a catchy and fitting name:

1. Brainstorm keywords: Think about the main themes and elements of your story. In this case, you have a Cinderella-inspired tale with a dragon and a princess named Elizabeth. Jot down words or phrases that come to mind related to these elements.

2. Consider the tone and genre: Is your book more whimsical and light-hearted or does it have a darker and more adventurous tone? Think about the genre you want to convey through your title, as it can help set the reader's expectations.

3. Combine and play with words: Look at the list of keywords you brainstormed earlier and experiment with combining different words or phrases in creative ways. Try using different synonyms or metaphors to describe the main concepts of your story.

4. Make it memorable: A good book title often sticks in readers' minds and piques their curiosity. Aim for something that is easy to remember, unique, and captures the essence of your story.

Based on the information you provided, here are a few title ideas to get you started:

- "Dragonfire and Glass Slippers"
- "The Dragon's Cinderella"
- "Elizabeth and the Fiery Prince"
- "Cinderellagon: A Tale of Dragons and Destiny"
- "Enchanted Flames: The Miraculous Journey of Elizabeth"

Remember, these are just suggestions to help kickstart your creativity. Feel free to mix and match words or come up with variations that resonate with you and reflect the story you want to tell. Happy writing!