between which two integers does the cube root of 9 lie

2 and 3


To find between which two integers the cube root of 9 lies, we can manually calculate the cube root of a few integers until we find the two integers between which the cube root of 9 falls.

Let's start by calculating the cube root of some integers:

Cube root of 1: 1
Cube root of 2: 1.2599
Cube root of 3: 1.4422
Cube root of 4: 1.5874
Cube root of 5: 1.7099
Cube root of 6: 1.8171
Cube root of 7: 1.9129
Cube root of 8: 2

As we can see, the cube root of 8 is the largest integer that is less than 9. The next cube root (cube root of 9) lies between 2 and 3.

Therefore, the cube root of 9 lies between the integers 2 and 3.