Can someone please check these? I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks!

1. What was the purpose of the Freedmen's Bureau?
a. to free the slaves
b. to feed, clothe, and educate former slaves***
c. to move former slaves to the Northern states
d. to ensure that former slaves had the right to vote

2. Which of the following was NOT a challenge South Carolina faced while rebuilding?
a. selling land to small farmers***
b. acquiring tools and resources
c. getting money to pay for costs
d. reopening banks and businesses

3. How did the Emancipation Proclamation change the war?
a. It increased the number of railroads to transport soldiers.
b. I provided an additional source of soldiers in the North.
c. It gave the Northerners a cause to fight for.
d. It freed all slaves in the United States.***

***= my answer



Is correct!!!



B A C are the answers thanks for every ones answers



#1 Correct.

#2 Correct.
#3 Wrong. It is actually C

Ms. Sue, if you could help with any of this I would greatly appreciate it.

3.Yes, I agree with Reed, I didn't read that it said all. The main purpose was to free slaves. But it didn't free all of them. But it meant that the North was now fighting for a moral cause, but it also alienated slave holders living within the Union. So, I would go with C.



1. is correct

2. believe that is correct
3. d is correct as the main change, but also c. (so i would keep d)
Hope I helped! :)

#1 - correct

#2 - I don't know. The economy in South Carolina and throughout the South was in shambles. Finding money was a terrible problem. It was perfectly legal and proper to sell land to small farmers, but nobody had money to buy land (and whites did not want to sell to freed slaves, either). What does your text say?
#3 - wrong. It did not free all slaves.