Which of the following would be an engineering project that could help protect the planet?

A. Finding a new landfill site
B. Designing a better trash compactor
C. Deciding which products can be recycled
D. Growing microbes that eat oil



Someone please help!!!!!

I think it's B

A. Finding a new landfill site: This engineering project focuses on waste management. To determine the answer, you need to identify the potential environmental impact of each option and assess how it contributes to protecting the planet.

B. Designing a better trash compactor: This project aims to improve waste reduction techniques. By designing more efficient trash compactors, engineers can reduce the volume of waste being sent to landfills, which can decrease the environmental impact.

C. Deciding which products can be recycled: This project involves assessing and classifying different products based on their recyclability. Engineers can help develop a categorization system to determine which products are recyclable and promote recycling practices, thus aiding in the protection of the environment.

D. Growing microbes that eat oil: This engineering project focuses on oil spill mitigation. Engineers can explore the development of microorganisms that can consume or break down oil spills, helping to minimize the ecological damage caused by such incidents.

In terms of protecting the planet, all of these engineering projects can contribute positively. However, when considering the potential impact, option D - growing microbes that eat oil - stands out as it directly addresses one of the most significant environmental dangers. Oil spills can have severe consequences for ecosystems, wildlife, and human populations, so developing effective methods to mitigate these disasters is crucial in protecting the planet. Therefore, option D, growing microbes that eat oil, would be the engineering project that could potentially have the most substantial positive impact on protecting the planet.

I honestly think it depends on what one believes "helps" protect the planet.

C in my opinion is the best choice, but it is hardly "engineering" B is a nice choice, but honestly, our trash trucks do a fair job at compacting already.

All in all, I would go with C

Ok thank you so much!

Was it C or B?